Nurture the life of Jesus into your people and the kingdom way of Jesus into the culture of your church. We believe this is accomplished by nurturing a discipling movement that results in a growing number of people in your community realizing their desperate need of Jesus and these same people experiencing the fullness of life promised by Him now. These resources will help enrich the people of your church in transformative ways and help your church to thrive!
Learning Themes
Current Conversations
Resources to help you have conversations surrounding current issues facing our churches and leaders.
Strengthen your Disciple-Making Culture!
Our passion is to nurture the disciple-making ethos of the EMCC by resourcing disciples to make disciples who make disciples. Jesus demonstrated that the way to build the church is through discipling people. Doing it His way will result in lasting fruit being produced, fruit that will last!
Volunteer Development
Volunteers are Essential to a thriving Church!
These resources will equip you to discover, disciple, develop, build and care for volunteers and volunteer teams in your organization.
Prayer Ministries
Ignite a passion for prayer!
We can all enjoy effective and powerful prayer ministries in our organizations. There are a variety of “prayer types” which are necessary to the life of the church including pastoral, healing, deliverance and intercessory prayer. A church that prays on all occasions with all kinds of prayers for all of God’s people is a thriving church!
Freedom Ministries
It is for Freedom that Christ has set us free!
As leaders we must provide a pathway to help people break free and stay free from such bondages as wounds, lies, memories, unforgiveness, and agreements made with the enemy. Inner bondages are broken by the healing presence and power of Holy Spirit. Freedom comes as people learn to access the gift of peace the Holy Spirit brings.
Leading a Smaller Church
Discover the Incredible potential of a smaller church!
Did you know 99% of churches are considered “small”? Dispel the myths relating to size of organization and discover, embrace and celebrate the blessing of a smaller church. Our aim is to equip leaders with the heartset, mindset and skill set for their churches to achieve their full kingdom potential.
Specialized Ministries
Equipping to Love all people well!
Some of the more unique ministry opportunities and challenges require extra learning to help all people flourish. We trust that these practical and effective tools will help equip and empower you to facilitate understanding and inclusion in your churches.
Next Gen
The NG Team consists of seasoned Next Gen leaders who are volunteering to support and resource EMCC Next Gen leaders! They are from all across Canada. They want to see an increasing number of Next Gen leaders reaching their full Kingdom potential! This team is committed to creating stronger connections among EMCC Next Gen leaders and equipping them to thrive in our rapidly shifting culture. They have made themselves available to coach you in all things Next Gen, so feel free to contact them!