Origins of Enrich

How did the concept of Enrich originate? 

As the EMCC entered a new chapter in its history, the National Board prayerfully addressed the areas of growth on which they would have the upcoming President focus. The health of our churches and leaders was recognized as a priority in which to assess and invest.

At the direction of our new President, the DAP (Discovery Assessment Project) was administered in 2017. It affirmed the need for the local church leaders of the EMCC to have access to more trusted resourcing and networking through our denomination.

The idea of an online resource centre was born!

Through Enrich, the expertise of leaders within our denomination is unleashed to enrich the lives and leadership of their peers. Krista Bennett was commissioned to work with the National Team to discover the specific resourcing needs of our leaders. This process involved many conversations regarding top resources to which the team is already pointing our leaders, including people within EMCC able to equip others in specialized areas of leadership. 

The name Enrich emerged. 
improve or enhance the quality or value of.

We also recognize that as God grows us, some fertilizer can amplify the growth. Our hope is that these recommended and trusted resources will take some of the guesswork out of where to turn when a little fertilizing is needed. Leadership is hard, and not meant to be tackled alone. Enrich is one of the many ways our Regional Ministers seek to resource you as leaders.

Enrich is intended to grow and change as our resourcing needs grow and change. We hope this will be your go-to resource centre as you lead your people! May you be deeply enriched!